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It's easy to learn Sudoku. Digits from 1 to 9 are placed in each empty cell. Every row, column, and 3 x 3 box should contain one of each digit.

Click on each cell with your mouse and enter a number from 1 to 9 using your keyboard. If you're just starting out, selecting "pencilmarks" and/or "validity" might make things easier, and if you get stuck you can ask for a hint, or even a full solution.

Math.com Sudoku posts five new puzzles every day. Each puzzle has a unique solution and can be solved with pure logic. Guessing is not required.

To learn more about Sudoku, see here. Bookmark this page to play a new game of Sudoku every day!

Shop for Sudoku merchandise at our store.

The Sudoku Archive contains hundreds of puzzles, each graded from Easy to Fiendish.


Easy Moderate Hard Evil Fiendish


Pencilmarks Small grid Medium grid Large grid
Validity Permalink 
r1r1c2 www.math.com/sudoku
Collapsed Expanded

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